Thursday, 5 February 2009

I really should write on here more often...

Okay, so my last post wasnt a hit, not that I was expecting it to be, but you know. I finished all my 11 exams last week and Im still here so woo! (Its okay if you didnt think that was worth celebrating, but if you do, please feel free to do so!) Some exciting things going on these days, I suppose. Ive made millions more journals, or what feels like millions anyway. Selling my first one this week though which is really quite cool. I made one for myself too, Ill take pictures, and if anyone out there has one and would like to take a picture as I forgot to do so before I gave them out, feel free to post them on here, or elsewhere, you know.

According to Mark and '' I am ' Jessica Mary Littler - Musician - Creative Type' That sounds really formal reading about myself in such a way. I wouldnt really class myself as a musician, more just an instrument player, and only a half decent one at that. But ah well, each to their own, I suppose. Ive used loooooads of commas ','s in this post, or so it seems. The sentences I write are really really long, I dont know why Im saying these things, its just coming straight from my eyes to my brain through my fingers onto this electronic paper type thing I am now writing on. Hmmm, I asked Mark before did he think that if I steal 'Thom Beal's' MacBook, would he know it was me, as that is what I am currently type type typing away on, and would really love to have one of these all of my own. Ive got a bit of a tummy ache, which I had last night too and I went all light headed and felt really really strange. It was proper wierd. Anyway Im gona go, my little finger is hurting!!!


Disclaimer: If 'Thom Beal's' MacBook does go missing in the time it is left in this room till tomorrow, it wasnt me!! And that is in all seriousness!!!


1 comment:

addressthenaked said...

nice post.. i'm sitting right next to you but i'm gonna' say: 'keep going with it!'
