According to Mark and '' I am ' Jessica Mary Littler - Musician - Creative Type' That sounds really formal reading about myself in such a way. I wouldnt really class myself as a musician, more just an instrument player, and only a half decent one at that. But ah well, each to their own, I suppose. Ive used loooooads of commas ','s in this post, or so it seems. The sentences I write are really really long, I dont know why Im saying these things, its just coming straight from my eyes to my brain through my fingers onto this electronic paper type thing I am now writing on. Hmmm, I asked Mark before did he think that if I steal 'Thom Beal's' MacBook, would he know it was me, as that is what I am currently type type typing away on, and would really love to have one of these all of my own. Ive got a bit of a tummy ache, which I had last night too and I went all light headed and felt really really strange. It was proper wierd. Anyway Im gona go, my little finger is hurting!!!
Disclaimer: If 'Thom Beal's' MacBook does go missing in the time it is left in this room till tomorrow, it wasnt me!! And that is in all seriousness!!!
1 comment:
nice post.. i'm sitting right next to you but i'm gonna' say: 'keep going with it!'
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