Hello, I am doing a research project for my 'A2 Media Studies Critical Research' about wether foreign directors become more 'Americanised' as they get more well known. I am looking at Baz Luhrmann's 'Red Curtain Trilogly' and how from Strictly Balroom to Moulin Rouge the cast are dramatically different. My overall outcome is to see wether the cast would affect the popularity of the film.
I think my question Im asking is does the cast of a film affect wether you would watch it or not and would it affect your overall opinion of the film?
If anyone reading this has an opinion on the matter it would really help me out if you could reply to this.
Thanks. X
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
Wow, its been time.
Even though Ive not been here in writing, Ive still been here reading, just havent really had much to say lately. I dont know why, but thats just how its been and I feel like a change, and like writing something in this box and to let anyone out there know Im still here.
I think over the past week or so Ive been beleiving in myself quite a bit, thats how I feel anyway, I dont know if it shows. Not really beleiving in something specific, just generally, knowing that I can do things if I put my mind to it and stop bringing myself down and realise that Ive got a lot to beleive in. I read something last night that kept me awake a little while thinking about it, and it was, 'Is anything too hard for God?'. This made me think about all manner of things. If I beleive that nothing is too hard for God, then I beleive that nothing is too hard for myself. If Im doing things through him then surely 'it' cant be that hard. Although I dont really have something specific that can be substituted for the word 'it' I just feel better knowing that whatever 'it' is, in the short term or in the long term, that nothing is out of reach, nothing isnt do-able(?), nothing is too much to ask for if I beleive that nothing is too hard for God.
Im going watching coldplay next thursday and Im so excited cause I know that it will inspire me to be musical, I dont know what Im anticipating happening from my inspiration but ah well, at least I know its coming, so I can prepare myself for it.
My fingers are real cold now and its aching to type so Im gonner go.
Till next time.
P.s If youve seen those photos of my room, it looks a lot different thanks to mine and 'thmttwd'/Matt's handywork, maybe Ill show you some other time.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Hello again...
Its been a while since I was here last, well here from this side of things anyway. Im just writing to let you know Im still here. A LOT has happened since my last post, it seems like forever ago since the 1st August. I cant beleive its september already and I go back to college tomorrow, booo. At least I dont do music tech anymore though, yay. Also, just to let you (whoever you is, if anyone is ever reading this) know, my room doesnt look like it did a month ago. Its not just tidy, but its green and an off white grey ish colour, which if you saw at pulse the day I painted, the colours all over me are the colours of my room. I turn 18 this month which is great. Im also going to London for the first time ever this month too. Im real excited for that. Anyway Im gonner go get an 'early' night for college tomorrow, by that I mean get a brew and climb up my ladders to my room. Goodnight. X
Friday, 1 August 2008
A little apology.. and some other stuff too.
Okay, so that whole blogging everyday in July thing really really didnt work out for me, well, it could have done if Id really been bothered to do it, at first I was like 'Yeah, Ill easy do it!' then after a few days, I slowly lost my excitement and just went back to not blogging. I hate that. I hate when I make a decision to do something and never do it, like about 2 months ago I said I was going to redecorate my bedroom and empty it of all the junk Ive had since I was a kid. See, my room hasnt been painted in about 6 years so its a really sick lilac colour, with the odd splattered spider here and there. And I was really determined to do it, I made a to do list, went to ikea and b&q both really fun places, priced everything up, loaded up my car with junk and took it to the tip, and still my room is messy as ever and still the sick lilac colour. Eugh. It makes me mad when I cant stick to things.

Heres a few photos of it this morning, I will tidy it soon, it really is one of my biggest flaws, that I really dont even mind that its like this, I know where everything is.. also, please dont hold this against me..
Anyway in other news...
I cant beleive its August already! This year has been the fastest one yet! Im really looking forward to this month though, my last of freedom before Im tied back down at college. Im really looking forward to audacious, like really looking forward to it, I just know its gonner be great and I really want to make the most of it being our last one away from home. Its results day when were down there, which is making me nervous because my mum will know how Ive done before I will, and will go down on me really hard when she sees how bad I did in my music and media exams. I just hope Ive done well in my maths, if Ive not Ill be really let down, I did try really hard at the very end of the year, when I realised if I didnt pull through they wouldnt let me do further maths next year so Id basically just end up leaving college with a few crap grades from my first year if I didnt get my act together. But I think I did quite well really, I studied real hard with learning formulas, they were all over my bedroom for months, and I secretly love that theres 2 still up there that Ive just not got round to taking down yet. Ha. Im such a nerd.
Anyway, Im gonner go, the sun is coming out a bit, which is really good, Im excited for the social tonight, especially if the weather picks up.
P.s Sorry that whenever you read my blogs theres loads of spelling mistakes, especially the word beleive, Ive spelt it wrong so many times now, its too late to go back to the real way.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Hello again...
Hello there, I really havent kept up this blogging everyday thing, mainly cause Ive not been on my computer since the last time I was here. Ive not really got much to share with you, just sort of letting you know Im still here, and still think about blogging. Ill put something real on soon. Dont know what, or when though.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Three times.
Hello all, this is very much a less thoughtful blog, more of an update on the past few days of my life. I didnt blog yesterday (but neither did Matt so its cool) because we went to Alton Towers!! It was a real long day, it took us 3 whole hours to get there, after being stuck in traffic and hearing 'You have arrived at your destination' from my sat nav, when we where in the middle of a field. Joy. But alas, we arrived. A fun day was had by all, we queued, laughed, screamed, the general things you do. But 2 definite highlights of the day were riding the river rapids 3 times without getting off, and battle flippin gallions. Matt had been talking about this for most of the day, but we, well definitely I at least, thought it was some crappy little kids ride, but oh my, it was fantastic. You shoot water at people, and its just hilarious. You really have to experience it if you go, but only go to it at the end of the day, you get soaked!
Today I had to work, which was a bit rubbish, but it didnt go as slow as I thought, and I was allowed to go early which was great. Beach party tonight was also great Im just real tired. Im gonner head off as big brother is coming back on in a minute, I cant beleive Luke and Rebecca necked! Shocker. But Im really glad Marios gone.
There was a bit of my life.
Goodbye. X
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Become what you believe
I could sit and think all day of things that I wish to be (not career wise of course!) but just qualities Id love to have and just who Id love to be. But the thought of actually being these things scares the crap out of me. But I guess spending time being these things, is better than sitting wondering about them, its just actually being these things, really does scare me. I dont think this makes as much sense as it did in my head.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Monday, 9 June 2008
A blank page said more than I could.
Over the past few days/week or so I've tried to write some stuff on numerous occasions but all I've only come out with a blank page or two. It seemed to say more than I could. I couldn't get the right words for what I wanted to say. I sat, and thought, and had the thoughts, the feelings, but just no words that made any sense of those. Im not quite sure now, looking back that I knew what I wanted to say through what I would have written, so I suppose thats why nothing, at all, came out of it. I wrote the date on the page, to remember the time when the blank page said more than I could.
Over and out.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Just something thats been in my head.
I cant remember if this is the same font as I used last time, so if its not, I kind of dont care.
This is sort of inspired by my friend Matt Wood, who said something today that Ive thought about a bit since he said it. I bet youre wondering what he said. It went like this 'Do you sometimes just take a step back from your life and think about how good your friend Matt is?' But thats not the main point of this, well not about him being good, which dont get me wrong he is. But Ive decided I need to take more time out to think about the good things in life. I think sometimes I get too wrapped up in the here and now, and the clutter that is my life, to think about and really learn to appreciate how lucky I am.
Thats sort of it really.
Also, on my way to the computer, there was this MASSIVE spider. It was really big, and I was really scared. Thats also something I was thinking about. My fear. Sorry to go off on a tangent just as I was about to leave, but this is hot off the press that is my mind. I dont want to have to just accept my fear of spiders for the rest of my life. What if I live alone and theres a big spider in a room, I cant just not go in there forever. Which is what I think would be the first thing that comes to mind, to shut the door and never go back in. Although Id be too afraid to ever go in without knowing where it was. Its like they control me. I mean, I know their there, like under the floorboards and skirting boards and stuff, and Im okay with that to a certain extent. Its just when they come taking the mick out of me cause they know Im soft. I go all weird, and scared, and most of the time I cry. But I dont want this to just be a fact of life, but I dont know how to get rid of it.
Anyway, Im actually going now. Sorry if I bored you.
This is sort of inspired by my friend Matt Wood, who said something today that Ive thought about a bit since he said it. I bet youre wondering what he said. It went like this 'Do you sometimes just take a step back from your life and think about how good your friend Matt is?' But thats not the main point of this, well not about him being good, which dont get me wrong he is. But Ive decided I need to take more time out to think about the good things in life. I think sometimes I get too wrapped up in the here and now, and the clutter that is my life, to think about and really learn to appreciate how lucky I am.
Thats sort of it really.
Also, on my way to the computer, there was this MASSIVE spider. It was really big, and I was really scared. Thats also something I was thinking about. My fear. Sorry to go off on a tangent just as I was about to leave, but this is hot off the press that is my mind. I dont want to have to just accept my fear of spiders for the rest of my life. What if I live alone and theres a big spider in a room, I cant just not go in there forever. Which is what I think would be the first thing that comes to mind, to shut the door and never go back in. Although Id be too afraid to ever go in without knowing where it was. Its like they control me. I mean, I know their there, like under the floorboards and skirting boards and stuff, and Im okay with that to a certain extent. Its just when they come taking the mick out of me cause they know Im soft. I go all weird, and scared, and most of the time I cry. But I dont want this to just be a fact of life, but I dont know how to get rid of it.
Anyway, Im actually going now. Sorry if I bored you.
Monday, 12 May 2008
So, here goes nothing.
I feel a little nervous for this, like the first time you do anything new I suppose. I hope, for your sakes, whoever you are out there that you dont get the wrong impression of me. I dont find putting pen to paper, or in this case a more advanced pen and paper, easy. Its really hard. I love other peoples words, just never my own, which is something I guess I have to deal with. Im not one to make many of my feelings and little thoughts very widely known. I dont know a great deal of big words, neither am I great at finding the right words to put across what Im trying to say, but never-the-less(?), here I am.
Youll be graced with my 'prose' when I feel like being wordy, which isnt often, but is becoming are more regular occurrence these days. When I get a little inspiration. I think I dont like expressing myself with words because I like things to be certain. I like answers, something definite. I guess thats why I love maths, besides the reason Cady Heron gives in mean girls (It being the same in every country), it always has definite answers. No "maybe"s, or "Ill get back to you"s. Youre either right or wrong, its yes or no. 2 plus 2 always makes 4, no matter how bad your maths is you cant deny it. Thats just the way the cogs turn up there, I cant help it, but I kind of like it that way, even though its 'wierd' and 'nerdy' I dont mind, well I actually enjoy it.
If youve read this far down the page, congratulations. Youve learned something about me, whether you already knew it and have just read it in other words, or if you had no idea about my inner workings, there you go. I think this will be all for our first encounter, but Ill be back again some time soon, I suppose.
P.s Im glad this thing has a spell checker, I suck at spellings.
Youll be graced with my 'prose' when I feel like being wordy, which isnt often, but is becoming are more regular occurrence these days. When I get a little inspiration. I think I dont like expressing myself with words because I like things to be certain. I like answers, something definite. I guess thats why I love maths, besides the reason Cady Heron gives in mean girls (It being the same in every country), it always has definite answers. No "maybe"s, or "Ill get back to you"s. Youre either right or wrong, its yes or no. 2 plus 2 always makes 4, no matter how bad your maths is you cant deny it. Thats just the way the cogs turn up there, I cant help it, but I kind of like it that way, even though its 'wierd' and 'nerdy' I dont mind, well I actually enjoy it.
If youve read this far down the page, congratulations. Youve learned something about me, whether you already knew it and have just read it in other words, or if you had no idea about my inner workings, there you go. I think this will be all for our first encounter, but Ill be back again some time soon, I suppose.
P.s Im glad this thing has a spell checker, I suck at spellings.
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